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Saturday Nights @ 6:00 PM
This is a service for those who might find it difficult to worship on Sunday. The music is contemporary with a few updated hymns and congregational readings from time to time. Pastor Travis Jones teaches the Word live in a verse by verse style.

Creekside Services Sundays @ 9:30 & 11 AM
This service features a contemporary style of music with teaching from Pastor Tony Walliser who is always biblically based, creative, and authentic with clear, practical application points. Creekside is meeting in the Silverdale Center on the Bonny Oaks Campus. Chuck Patrick serves as our Silverdale Creekside Pastor.

Bonny Oaks Services Sundays @ 8:00, 9:30, & 11:00 AM
This service features a contemporary style of music and is located in the Sanctuary in the Main Building on our Bonny Oaks Campus. Lead Pastor Tony Walliser teaches the word in a relatable, easy to understand and follow style. Pastor Matty Finlay serves as our Silverdale Bonny Oaks Pastor.

Bridges Service Sundays @ 9:30 AM
This service features familiar and time-honored music with teaching from Pastor Tony Walliser who is always biblically based, creative, and authentic with clear, practical application points. Bridges meets in the Student Ministry Building on the Bonny Oaks Campus. Brian Squires serves as our Silverdale Bridges Pastor.